domingo, octubre 07, 2007

Manga place... Pura tolerancia??

Es hora de demostrar de que esta hecha la provincia de El Oro, el 13 y 27 de este mes los regionales en Guayaquil
Vamos a demostrar que les podemos dar el quiebre a esas barbachas del Guayas, para q en sus titulos pongan Machala la revelacion... si, o no, ultimo campeon del master

Pilas chicas que el 13 al 27 son los ultimos regionales en Guyaquil!!!!

Ya no hay gato por liebre... o solo por creerse Guayas o Quito se creen mejores que nosotros? esta imagen es lo que al final les esperan a algunitos EN EL NACIONAL


lunes, julio 23, 2007

Nueva BAN LIST 01-09-07

Jajaja.. se la creyeron.. sabia que hiban a caer pero bueno... ya una vez que estan en este post... pues les are unas preguntillas :

Para la ban list de septiembre:

1.- Que cartas quieres que la quiten de la lista y por que ? (es decir... que la carta que esta en el ban list, ya no aparesca en ella. Ej: Exiled Force)

2.- Que cartas quieres que Semi-limiten y por que ?
3.- Que cartas quieres que Limiten y por que?

4.- Que cartas quieres que las prohiban y por que ?
5.- Que carta que esta Prohibida quieres que la limiten o semi-limiten y por que ?

Bueno eso es todo.. asi que desde "ya" pues hagamos nuestras propias suposiciones de como puede quedar la ban list de Septiembre 2007

ok, primero veamos el Meta aktual y de ahi desglosemos

T`s Destiny Beatdown
Perfect circle
Gem Beast
Demise OTK
Lazaro Monarch
Aggro Monarch
Explosion OTK
Joejoe Gadget
Chain/Speed Burn (estos son 2 decks diferentes)
Big City

ok esos son los top decks, no necesariamente en ese orden, pero son los mas usados y los mas lanzados

ahora a las preguntas

1.- D.D Assasin, simplemente ya no keda espacio para ella en los decks, ahora los decks dependen mas de control k d fuerza, y muchos de los efectos son bien para ganar kartas o kitarles del kampo, y en estas epokas, ya es muy dificil k un monster verdaderamente logre un atake, a menos k sea kon kampo limpio.

2.-por el momento, no siento que haya alguna carta que meresca semi-limtarse, tal vez, solo tal vez, Chain Strike, ya que todos sabemos, k Burn, si c keda sin kartas, muere, y mas si no stallea

3.-ahora, viendo la grandota lista de aya arriba, en mi opinion, k c debeia limitar
Destiny Draw
Card Tr00per
Brain Control
Snipe Hunter
Mobius The Frost Monarch
Monster Gate

4.- ahora las prohibidas
Snatch Steal (si breaker se keda baneado, esta karta tmb tiene k irse ahi kon el)

5.- en cuestion de gustos, la carta baneada que mas quiero k regrese el es cientifiko, obiamente, si regresa, abria k banear la catapult turtle, simplemente es demasiado bueno, aunke le kitaron poder kon TER, sigue siendo bueno.
Desde el punto de vista objetivo, deberia de volver Breaker, SOLO si se quiere mantener Snatch a 1

en la noche pondre el porke de muchas kartas,. ya k tengo prisa, pero la de mobius, la pongo

llendonos por las "matematicas" de las cartas (que ya se a probado muchas veces, ya no es tan util komo en tiempos anteriores) mobius es el UNIKO monarka, k destruye 2 cartas, todos, y digo TODOS, los demas monarcas, simplemente t roban de 1 karta (Raizer es un caso especial)mientras que mobius lo ase al doble, y t da la posibilidad de destruir 1 del opp y 1 tuya k t este jodiendo

Raizer posiblemente tambien debeira estar a 1, ya que poner ene l top una karta del op, es el MEJOR efecto k puede aber en el juego.
Aunque tambien podemos analizar esta otra cosita...
1.- Reckless Greed, aun si fueran 3 y se activaran en cadena, lo unico que ganarias seria un mugre + 1, y ¿con 3 cartas? Meh... El pot of avarice ya da + 1 sin tanto problema
Mask of Darkness, ¿Por que estaba limitada a 1 antes? Por el Tsuku Lock, ok, ¿Pero ahora por que? Si definitivamente no ve juego competitivamente, poco importaria que se valieran las 3...

2.- Snipe Hunter, ese monito se esta viendo de a feo en todos los decks ultimamente, si no fuera por que tiene un efecto de suerte, que te puede afectar, mereceria estar limitado a 1...
United We Stand/Mage Power, ok Suben MUCHO ataque ¿y? Para que te comas una sakuresu o un Smashing 1 turno despues y te hagan un -1, no gracias...

3.- xxx the xxx Monarch, por que todos sirven, eh incluso Grandmarg aun al ser el mas chafon, lo empezarian a usar junto con la copia restante permitida de los otros 4.. ¿O no?
Cyber Dragon, ya van 2 años de ver 3 Cydras, en cualquier deck de Top 8, de un regional, nacional o Shonen Jump de algun lado, seria lo mas sano, y solo para evitar monotonia, por que lo se, es un simple Beast-stick
Card Tropper, esta carta simplemente esta mal, ¿3 estrellas, Beast-Stick de 1900, que te hace hacer draw cuando es destruido? Sin olvidar que cuesta 400 pesos, y que se esta empezando a ver en todos los decks... No gracias... Parenlo a buen tiempo por favor...
Advanced Ritual Art, ok, buen apoyo para las cartas de color azul, pero un OTK gana torneos por doquier ya es abuso... Futuro fusion es casi el mismo apoyo pa las fusiones y esta limitada a 1...

4.- Ring of Destruction, un 1 x 1, otorga empates, muy encadenable, obtiene victorias muy rapidamente, hace un buen de daño, simplemente ya no debe estar suelto, estaba fuera para calmar a los enfermos Cyber steiners... Pero ese amigo, ya esta prohido, asi que esa variable de la ecuacion ya no es necesaria...
Snatch Steal, Topdeckear esa carta, obtener un horrible +1 y posiblemente ganarle al oponente simplemente esta mal...
Treeborn Frog, por que es un +1 constante y muy abusable... Lo saben
Dark Magician of Chaos, por que tiene su OTK, esta prohibida la magician of faith, por un mismo efecto que tambien tiene este amigo, y va de ley, en decks que tengas Reasoning o Monster Gate, como el Diamond Dude Turbo...

5.- Breaker the Magical Warrior, este esta prohibido nada mas por que estaba en casi todo los decks ya de ley, siento que fue prohibido, para evitar monotonia con las cartas a meter a un deck ya que era casi tan basico como meter un Sangan... Pero meh... Mas monotono es ver 3 Cyber Dragon, 3 Thestalos (Monarca del que les guste) en todos los decks, y ahi estan... Ademas Breaker es un + 1, ok, pero muy evitable... Si ustedes odiaban que se llevara su Sakuretsu con el counter y ademas a su Don Zaloog en batalla, entonces algo estaba mal con ustedes... xD

Analizen en Meta actual y veran que no estoy muy alejado de la realidad...

lunes, julio 09, 2007

Gladiator`s Assault (spoiler)


Gladiator's Assault

GLAS-JP003 Evil Hero Malicious Edge
EARTH/Demon - Effect/7/2600/1800
When there is a Monster on your opponent's side of the field you can Normal Summon this card by tributing one Monster on your side of the field. If this card battles with a monster in defense position and the attack strength exceeds the defense strength of that monster, inflict the difference as battle damage to your opponent's life points.

GLAS-JP004 Evil Hero Hell Gainer [Rare]
By removing from play this card during your Main Phase 1, 1 face-up Demon-Type monster you control can attack twice during the Battle Phase of this turn. If you do this, Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position during your 2nd Standby Phase after this effect was used.

GLAS-JP005 Cloudian - Eye of the Typhoon [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
WIND/Aqua - Effect/8/3000/1000
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, it is destroyed. When this card attacks, change the battle positions of all face-up monsters on the field, except "Cloudian" monsters.

GLAS-JP0?? Cloudian - Poison Cloud
WATER/?? - Effect/3/0/1000

GLAS-JP0?? Cloudian - Nimbusman
WATER/Angel - Effect/5/1000/1000

GLAS-JP010 Cloudian - Acid Cloud
WATER/Angel - Effect/4/500/0
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, it is destroyed. When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Fog Counter on it for each "Cloudian" monster on the field. By removing 2 Fog Counters from this card, destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field.

GLAS-JP011 Cloudian - Cirrostas [Rare]
WATER/Angel - Effect/4/900/0
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, it is destroyed. When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Fog Counter on it for each "Cloudian" monster on the field. By removing 2 Fog Counters from this card, destroy 1 monster on the field.

GLAS-JP012 Cloudian - Altos [Rare]
WATER/Angel - Effect/4/1300/0
This card cannot be destroyed by battle. If this card is in face-up Defense Position, it is destroyed. When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Fog Counter on it for each "Cloudian" monster on the field. By removing 3 Fog Counters from the field, discard 1 random card from your opponent's hand.

GLAS-JP017 Gladial-Beast - Alexander [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
LIGHT/Beast - Effect/6/2400/600
This card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of "Gladial-Beast Dichaeri". When this card is successfully Special Summoned, while this card is face-up on your side of the field, it is unaffected by the effects of Magic Cards. When this card battled, by returning this card to the deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster other than "Gladial-Beast Alexander" from your deck to your field.

GLAS-JP018? Gladial-Beast - Spartychus
EARTH/Dinosaur - Effect/5/2200/600
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Gladial-Beast - Hoplomus". When this card is Special Summoned, add 1 "Armaments" Magic Card from your Deck to your hand. If this card battles, by returning it from the field to the Deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster from your Deck, except "Gladial-Beast - Spartychus".

GLAS-JP019 Gladial-Beast - Murmillo [Rare]
WATER/Fish - Effect/3/800/400
When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladial-Beast" monster, destroy 1 face-up monster on the field. If this card battles, by returning it from the field to the Deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster from your Deck, except "Gladial-Beast - Murmillo".

GLAS-JP021 Gladial-Beast - Laquer [Rare]
FIRE/Beast-Warrior - Effect/4/1800/400
When this card is successfully Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladial-Beast" effect monster, the original ATK of this card becomes 2100. When this card battled, by returning this card to the deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster other than "Gladial-Beast - Laquer" from your deck to your field.

GLAS-JP022 Gladial-Beast - Hoplomus
EARTH/Rock - Effect/4/700/2100
When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladial-Beast" monster, the original DEF of this card becomes 2400. If this card battles, by returning it from the field to the Deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster from your Deck, except "Gladial-Beast - Hoplomus".

GLAS-JP023 Gladial-Beast - Dichaeri
EARTH/Beast - Effect/4/1600/1200
When this card is Special Summoned by the effect of a "Gladial-Beast" monster, it can attack twice during the same Battle Phase. If this card battles, by returning it from the field to the Deck at the end of the Battle Phase, Special Summon 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster from your Deck, except "Gladial-Beast - Dichaeri".

「紫炎の老中 エニシ」
GLAS-JP032 Shien's Councilor Enishi
LIGHT/Warrior - Effect/6/2200/1200
This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing 2 "Six Samurai" monster in your graveyard from play. You can destroy 1 face-up monster on the field. If this effect is activated, this card cannot declare an attack during this turn. This effect can only be used once per turn.

「E・HERO カオス・ネオス」
GLAS-JP036 Elemental Hero Chaos Neos [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare]
DARK/Warrior - Fusion - Effect/9/3000/2500
"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Neo-Spacian Glow Moss" + "Neo-Spacian Black Panther"
This card can only be Special Summoned from the Fusion Deck by returning the above Fusion Material Monsters from the field to the Deck. (The card "Fusion" is not used). This card is returned to the Fusion Deck during the End Phase. When this card is returned to the Fusion Deck this way, flip all face-up monsters on the field into face-down Defense Position. You can toss 3 coins. This card gains 1 of the following effects depending on the result. This effect can only be used once per turn during your Main Phase.
- 3 Heads: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls.
- 2 Heads: Negate the effects of all face-up monsters your opponent controls until the end of the turn.
- 1 Heads: Return all monsters you control to your hand.

「E・HERO プラズマ・ヴァイスマン」
GLAS-JP037 Elemental Hero Plasma Viceman
EARTH/Warrior- Fusion - Effect/8/2600/2300
"Elemental Hero Sparkman" + "Elemental Hero Edgeman"
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. By discarding 1 card from your hand, destroy 1 face-up Attack Position monster our opponent controls

GLAS-JP038 Evil Hero Inferno Wing [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
FIRE/Demon - Fusion - Effect/6/2100/1200
"Elemental Hero Featherman + Elemental Hero Burst Lady"
This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon with "Dark Fusion". If this card battles with a monster in defense position and the attack strength exceeds the defense strength of that monster, inflict the difference as battle damage to your opponent's life points. When this card destroys a monster in battle and sends it to the Graveyard, your opponent receives damage equal to ATK or DEF of the destroyed monster, whichever is higher.

GLAS-JP0?? Evil Hero Dark Gaia
EARTH/Demon - Fusion - Effect/8/?/0
"Rock-Type Monster" + "Demon-Type Monster"
*Anime - Effect*
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon with "Dark Fusion". This card's original ATK becomes the ATK of the monsters used to Fusion Summon it. When this card attacks, you can change all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls to face-up Attack Position. Flip Effects of Effect Monsters are not activated at that time.

GLAS-JP041 Super Vehicroid Stealth Union
EARTH/Machine - Fusion - Effect/9/3600/3000
"Truckroid" + "Expressroid" + Stealthroid" + "Drillroid"
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can select 1 monster you control, except a Machine-Type monster. Then, treat the selected monster as an Equip Card and equip it to this card. If this card is equipped with an Equip Card this way, it can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each during the same Battle Phase. When this card attacks, the original ATK of this card is halved. When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.

GLAS-JP043 Gladial-Beast - Geordias
DARK/Dinosaur - Fusion - Effect/7/2600/1500
"Gladial-Beast - Spartychus" + 1 "Gladial-Beast" monster
This card can only be Special Summoned from the Fusion Deck by returning the above Fusion Material Monsters from the field to the Deck. (The card "Fusion" is not used). When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the DEF of this card.

GLAS-JP044 Gladial-Beast Heraclenos
FIRE/Beastwarrior - Fusion - Effect/8/3000/2800
"Gladial-Beast Laquer" + 2 "Gladial-Beast" monsters
This card can only be Special Summoned by returning the above Fusion Material Monsters from your side of the field to the Deck. (You do not use "Fusion".) When this card is face-up on the field, by discarding 1 card, negate the activation and the effect of a Magic or Trap Card and destroy it.
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare

GLAS-JP047 Dark Fusion
Normal Magic
Send Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a Fusion Monster from your hand or your side of the field to the Graveyard, and Special Summon that Demon-Type Fusion Monster from your Fusion Deck. The monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot be targeted by effects of your opponent's Magic, Trap and Effect monster during this turn. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon).

GLAS-JP048 Diamond-Dust Cyclone
Quick-Play Magic
Activate only by selecting 1 monster on the field with at least 4 Fog Counters on it. Destroy the selected monster. Then, draw 1 card for every 4 Fog Counters that were on it.

GLAS-JP049 Summon Cloud
Permanent Magic
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, if you control no monsters, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Cloudian" monster from your hand or Graveyard. If you Special Summon a monster from the Graveyard this way, destroy this card.

GLAS-JP050 Lucky Cloud
Normal Magic
If you Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Special Summon 2 or more "Cloudian" monsters with the same name during the turn this card is activated, draw 2 cards from your Deck during the End Phase of this turn.

「剣闘獣の檻 コロッセウム」
GLAS-JP064 Dungeon of the Gladial-Beast - Colosseum
Field Magic
When a Monster is Special Summoned from the Deck to the Field, place a counter on this card. A monster with "Gladial-Beast" in it's name gains 100 ATK and DEF for each counter on this card. When this card would be destroyed by a card effect, by sending 1 "Dungeon of the Gladial-Beast - Colosseum" from your hand, this card is not destroyed.

GLAS-JP067 Armaments of the Gladial-Beast - Manica
Equip Magic
Equip only to a "Gladial-Beast" monster. The equipped monster cannot be destroyed by battle. (Damage calculation is still applied). If this card would be sent to the Graveyard as a result of the equipped monster returning from the field to the Deck, add this card to your hand.

GLAS-JP0?? Truckroid [Rare]
EARTH/Machine - Effect/4/1000/2000
When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can treat the destroyed monster as an Equip Card and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the ATK of the equipped monster.

GLAS-JP0?? Stealthroid [Rare]
DARK/Machine - Effect/4/1200/0
If you control another "roid" monster, when this card battles, destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field at the end of the Battle Phase.

GLAS-JP0?? Expressroid [Rare]
EARTH/Machine - Effect/4/400/1600
When this card is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned, you can add 2 "roid" monsters from your Graveyard to your hand, except "Expressroid".

domingo, julio 08, 2007

Preparense duelistas... Se viene lo mejor


Aqui esta la lista de las cartas que saldran en el SD13 Revival of Grand Dragon del OCG, como saben, algunos efectos pueden cambair o los nombres de las cartas no coinciden, pero bueno... no sera mucho cambio que digamos:

Fulgurant Dragon

This card cannot be special summon outside of when this card is sent to Graveyard from the field. When this card is successfully
special summon from Graveyard, choose a monster in your Graveyard. Increase this card's attack strength by the level of the
chosen monster * 200.

Dark Blaze Dragon

When this card is successfully special summoned from Graveyard, this card's original attack and defense strength is doubled.
When this card destroyed a monster and sent it to Graveyard, deal damage to opponent equal to the attack strength of the
destroyed monster.

Prophet of Creation

Discard a card from your hand. Add a monster card with level 7 or more in your Graveyard into your hand. This effect can only be
activate once per turn.

Decoy Dragon

(When this card is target of attack by opponent's monster, you can special summon a Dragon type monster with level 7 or more from
your Graveyard onto your field, and change the target of attack to that monster.)

Metamol Pod

Reverse: Each player discards his or her hand. Afterward, each player draws 5 cards from respective decks.

Kaiser Seahorse
Light/Sea Dragon/4/1750/1650

When this card is sacrifice as a result of sacrifice summon for a Light Attribute monster, this card count as 2 sacrifice.
(Two in the deck)

Tyrant Dragon

If your opponent have another monster(s) on the field, this card may attack for one more time during battle phase. Also, negate
the effect and destroy Trap cards that target this card. When this card is special summon from the Graveyard by effect of
other card, you must sacrifice a Dragon Type monster on your field.

Yamata no Doragon ("Eight Headed Snake")
Fire/Dragon - Spirit/7/2600/3100

This card cannot be Special Summon. Return this card to its owner's hand at the End Phase of the turn this card is Summoned or
Reversed. When this card does battle damages to opponent player, draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand.

Soul Banishing Spirit

This card is not destroyed as a result of Battle. When this card is target of effect of Magic/Trap/Monster, destroy
this card. If this card successfully attack opponent directly, he/she randomlly discards a card from his/her hand.

Twilight Zone Dragon

This card cannot be destroyed by effect of Magic/Trap that does not target. Also, it cannot be destroyed in battle by a
monster with attack strength of 1900 or less.

Guardian Angel - Joan

When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle and it is sent to Graveyard, gain lifepoints equal to the original
attack strength of that monster.

Abyss Assassin

Reverse: Destroy a monster on opponent's field. When this card is sent to the Graveyard from hand, you may choose a Reverse
Effect monster in your graveyard and return it into your hand.

Masked Dragon

When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard as a result of battle, the controller of this card may special summon a
Dragon type monster with attack strength of 1500 or less from their deck.
(Two in the deck)

The Creator

Choose a monster in your Graveyard. Send a card from your hand to Graveyard, special summon the chosen monster. This effect can
only be use once per turn. This card cannot be special summon from Graveyard.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Avatar of Creator

Sacrifice this card, special summon [The Creaor] from your hand.

Flame Ruler

When this card is sacrifice as a result of sacrifice summon for a Fire Attribute monster, this card count as 2 sacrifices.

Lightning Gear - Rumbling Dragon (Lightning Gear - Gouryuu)

This card can be Summoned by sacrificing 1 monster. If summoned by this way, send this card to Graveyard at End Phase. When this
card attacks a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is higher than that defense strength, deal battle damages to
opponent equal to the difference.

Trade In
Magic - Normal

Discard (Send?) a level 8 monster from your hand to Graveyard. Draw 2 cards.

Foolish Burial
Magic - Normal

Choose a monster in your deck and put it into your Graveyard. Shuffle your deck afterward.

Shallow Grave
Magic - Normal

Each player chooses a monster in his/her Graveyard, and set it to the field.

Early Burial
Magic - Equipment

Pay 800 lifepoints. Choose a monster in your Graveyard and special summon it to the field in attack mode, and equip this card to
it. When this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.

Reward of Rebirth
Magic - Continuous

When a monster is special summon from your Graveyard, you can draw a card from your deck.

Wing Flapping of Large Dragon
Magic - Normal

Return a face-up Dragon Type monster on your field with Level 5 or higher to your hand. Destroy all cards in Magic/Trap Zone.

Terra Forming
Normal Magic

Put 1 Field Magic card from your deck into your hand.

Mysterious Oriental Wok
Magic - Quickplay

Sacifice a monster on your field. Increase your lifepoint by attack or defense strength of the sacrificed monster.

Weight Reduction
Magic - Continuous

Shuffle a monster with Level 7 or higher from your hand to your deck. Draw a card. You can use this effect only once per turn.

Lightning Vortex
Magic - Normal

Discard a card from your hand, destroy all opponent's face-up monsters on the field.

Magic - Normal

Choose 2 face-up monsters on the field. Until End Phase, half the attack strength of 1 of the chosen monster, and increase
the attack strength of the other monster equal to that amount.

Mausoleum of Deceased Emperor
Magic - Field

Both players can pay lifepoints equal to the number of monsters need for sacrifice summon * 1000, and Normal Summon that monster
without sacrificing.
(Two in the deck)

Magic - Quickplay

Can be activated when opponent have 3 or more cards in his/her Magic/Trap card zone. Destroy a card in opponent's
Magic/Trap card zone.

Unholy Calamity
Trap - Normal

This card can only be activate when your opponent declare attack. Destroy all Magic/Trap cards on the field.

Cry of the Living Dead
Trap - Continuous

Choose a monster in your Graveyard, and special summon it in attack mode. When this card leaves the field, destroy that
monster. When that monster is destroy, destroy this card.

Magic Jammer
Trap - Counter

Discard a card from your hand. Negate an activation of a Magic card and destroy it.

Sub-Space Matter Transport Machine
Trap - Normal

Choose a face-up monster on your field, remove it from the game until the End Phase of the activated turn.

Judgment Of Anubis
Trap - Counter

Discard a card from your hand. Negate and destroy an opponent's Magic cards that have effect that "destroy Magic/Trap card on
the field". Afterward, destroy a face-up monster on opponent's field, and deal damages to opponent equal to the attack strength
of that monster.

Goblin Managment Expert
Trap - Normal

Draw card(s) equal to number of [Goblin Managment Expert] in your Graveyard +1, choose a card in your hand and return it to
the bottom of your deck.
(Two in the deck)

domingo, julio 01, 2007


El día sábado 30 de junio, se hizo en la ciudad de Machala el torneo un tanto informal, ya que fue creado para los mas sádicos en el juego de cartas, la participación no fue masiva como se esperaba pero por lo menos aparecieron los decís un poco mas q copiados por no gritar “TE EXTRAÑO LAST WIL” o como también “POR QUE TE FUISTE CYBER STEIN” jejeje, pero bueno, como era de esperarse aparecieron los deck de siempre, EXODIA, CHAOS…
Y como se dijo unos días atrás, estoes el preámbulo de lo que se viene, el gran torneo, que en pocas palabras dichas por Jorge Luis “arrecho” para saber quien es el numero uno de Machala, así que este tan solo fue un calentamiento, no digan que no les avise al final, re-abri este lugar, para que se enteraran… Proximante el foro del grupo, Felicitaciones al Robert Carpio (papandingo) y Julio (kuribo) finalistas en primer y segundo lugar en ese orden jejeje.


domingo, marzo 25, 2007

Que opinan de esto que se viene?

Chequen esto.. un deck Armagedon

Bueno, ase 3 noches, no tenia NADA k aser y me puse a jugar en yvd, ya aia eskuchado k en foros mencinaban el deck de Demise OTK, k nunka en vdd entendi, un amigo aki tuvo uno k le jalaba bien, pero si le salian malas manos, moria facilisimo.
Volviendo a la historia, yo tenia mi DDT y kedams 1-1 el wey kon el k estaba jugando y yo. kuando de repente, baja un Manju, va por demise, baja Demise, paga, y le pone megamorph al Doom Dozer k akababa de bajar.

ahi fue donde entendi, k onda kon el deck demise, aunke el build del wey, era MUY lento, ya k estalebada demasiado, asi k io ise mi version y aki esta para k l cheken, fixeen y analizn

Monsters: 19

3|Soi|Demise, King of Armageddon
2|Soi|Doom Dozer
3|Fet|Insect Knight
3|Ioc|Neo Bug
3|Mrl|Nimble Momonga
1|Mrl|Senju of the Thousand Hands
3|Ioc|Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
1|Sdp|Sonic Bird

Spellz 14

3|Ston|Advanced Ritual Art
1|Soi|End of the World
1|Sdj|Giant Trunade
1|Ysd|Heavy Storm
1|Sdp|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Een|Pot of Avarice
1|Sd1|Premature Burial
1|Pgd|Different Dimension Capsule
1|Ston|Dark World Dealings

Traps 7

2|Pgd|Reckless Greed
3|Sd3|Jar of Greed
1|Pgd|Ring of Destruction
1 Mirror Force

la winning condition por si no lo an entendido es
Advanced ritual Art = Demise
Demise effect
RFG 2 bugs para el Dozer
MEgamorph al Dozer

5600 + 2400 = 8000 cerrados
si no sale el morhp, kon kualkier monster es suficiente para dejar babeando al oponente

deje el Stall por el Speed
chekenlo y diganme k opinan

viernes, febrero 23, 2007

La verdadera lista

Banned and Restriction List 「禁止・制限カードリスト」


Forbidden Cards 「禁止カード」:
The following cards cannot be put into a deck:

Victory Dragon 「ヴィクトリー・ドラゴン」 *
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End 「混沌帝龍 -終焉の使者-」
Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソーサラー」
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 「カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-」
Sinister Serpent 「キラー・スネーク」
Witch of the Black Forest 「黒き森のウィッチ」
Thousand-Eyes Restrict 「サウザンド・アイズ・サクリファイス」
Cyber Jar 「サイバーポッド」
Magician of Faith 「聖なる魔術師」 *
Makyura the Destructor 「処刑人-マキュラ」
Tsukuyomi 「月読命」
Cyber-Stein 「デビルフランケン」 *
Tribe-Infecting Virus 「同族感染ウィルス」
Fiber Jar 「ファイバーポッド」
Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブレイカー」 *
Magical Scientist 「魔導サイエンティスト」
Yata-Garasu 「八汰烏」
Mirage of Nightmare 「悪夢の蜃気楼」
Delinquent Duo 「いたずら好きな双子悪魔」
Temple of the Kings 「王家の神殿」
Painful Choice 「苦渋の選択」
The Forceful Sentry 「強引な番兵」
Pot of Greed 「強欲な壺」
Change of Heart 「心変わり」
Raigeki 「サンダー・ボルト」
Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」
Butterfly Dagger - Elma 「蝶の短剣-エルマ」
Graceful Charity 「天使の施し」 *
Harpie's Feather Duster 「ハーピィの羽根帚」
Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホール」
Last Will 「遺言状」 *
Imperial Order 「王宮の勅命」
Exchange of the Spirit 「現世と冥界の逆転」
Sixth Sense 「第六感」
Time Seal 「刻の封印」
Last Turn 「ラストバトル!」

Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Only 1 copy of the following cards can be put into a deck:

D. D. Warrior Lady 「異次元の女戦士」
Elemental Hero Stratos 「E・HEROエアーマン」 *
Sangan 「クリッター」
Dark Magician of Chaos 「混沌の黒魔術師」
Protector of the Sanctuary 「神殿を守る者」
Jinzo 「人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー」
Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊」
Dandelion 「ダンディライオン」
Twin-Headed Behemoth 「ドル・ドラ」
Night Assailant 「深淵の暗殺者」
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole 「N・グランモール」 *
Exodia the Forbidden One 「封印されしエクゾディア」
Right Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右足」
Right Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の右腕」
Left Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左足」
Left Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者の左腕」
Marshmallon 「マシュマロン」
Goes - Envoy of Hades 「冥府の使者ゴーズ 」 *
Morphing Jar 「メタモルポット」
Forest Guard Green Baboon 「森の番人グリーン・バブーン」
Treeborn Frog 「黄泉ガエル」
Confiscation 「押収」
Heavy Storm 「大嵐」
Overload Fusion 「オーバーロードフュージョン」 *
Snatch Steal 「強奪」 *
Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」
Dimension Fusion 「次元融合」 *
Scapegoat 「スケープ・ゴート」
United We Stand 「団結の力」
Chain Strike 「連鎖爆撃」 *
Book of Moon 「月の書」
Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」
Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」
Premature Burial 「早すぎた埋葬」
Swords of Revealing Light 「光の護封剣」
Nobleman of Crossout 「抹殺の使徒」
Mage Power 「魔導師の力」
Magical Stone Excavation 「魔法石の採掘」
Giant Trunade 「ハリケーン」 *
Gold Sarcophagus 「封印の黄金櫃」 *
Future Fusion 「未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン」
Limiter Removal 「リミッター解除」
Level Limit - Area B 「レベル制限B地区」
Gravity Bind 「グラヴィティ・バインド-超重力の網-」
Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」
Crush Card Virus 「死のデッキ破壊ウイルス」
Mirror Force 「聖なるバリア -ミラーフォース-」
Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」
Ceasefire 「停戦協定」
Ring of Destruction 「破壊輪」
Mind Crush 「マインドクラッシュ」 *
Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」
Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッドの呼び声」

Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:
Only 2 copies of the following cards can be put into a deck:

Manticore of Darkness 「暗黒のマンティコア」
D. D. Assailant 「D.D.アサイラント」 *
Apprentice Magician 「見習い魔術師」
Mask of Darkness 「闇の仮面」 *
Creature Swap 「強制転移」
Reinforcement of the Army 「増援」
Metamorphosis 「突然変異」 *
Good Goblin Housekeeping 「ゴブリンのやりくり上手」
Wall of Revealing Light 「光の護封壁」
Deck Devastation Virus 「魔のデッキ破壊ウイルス」
Reckless Greed 「無謀な欲張り」

No longer restricted 「準制限」:
3 copies per deck allowed:

Injection Fairy Lily 「お注射天使リリー」 *
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys 「ネフティスの鳳凰神」 *
Exiled Force 「ならず者傭兵部隊」 *
Upstart Goblin 「成金ゴブリン」 *

EL estructure deck #12

Maou Diabolos 「魔王ディアボロス」
This card cannot be Special Summoned. When you Tribute Summon this card, the Tributes must be DARK. During your opponent's Draw Phase before he draws, you can check the top card of your opponent's Deck and put it in either the top or the bottom of the Deck. This card cannot be used as a Tribute for card effects.

Shiou Lichlord 「死王リッチーロード」
When you Tribute Summon this card, the Tribute must be DARK. If this card is sent to the Graveyard by being used as a Tribute for card effects, return this card to your hand.

Yamiou Prometes 「闇王プロメテス」
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can remove from play any number of DARK monsters in your Graveyard. This card gains 400 ATK for each monster removed from play by this effect, until the end of the turn.

Mist Demon 「ミストデーモン」
This card can be Normal Summoned without Tribute. If this card is Normal Summoned this way, this card is destroyed during the End Phase and you take 1000 damage.

Plague Wolf 「疫病狼」
Once per turn, you can double this card's original ATK. If you do, this card is destroyed during the End Phase.

Goblin Zombie 「ゴブリンゾンビ」

Axe Dragonuit 「アックス・ドラゴニュート」 x2

Killer Tomato 「キラートマト」

Mask of Darkness 「闇の仮面」

Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊」

Giant Orc 「ジャイアントオーク」 x3

Stealth Bird 「ステルスバード」 x2

Tenacious Killer Doll 「執念のキラードール」 x2

Sacrifice Sword 「サクリファイスソード」
Equip Magic
Equip only to a DARK monster. It gains 400 ATK. If the equipped monster is used as a Tribute and this card is sent to the Graveyard, return this card to your hand.

Akumufutatabi 「悪夢再び」
Normal Spell
Return to your hand 2 DARK monsters with 0 DEF from your Graveyard.

Shield Crush 「シールドクラッシュ」

Iron Cage Of Nightmares 「悪夢の鉄檻」

Cyclone 「サイクロン」

Hurricane 「ハリケーン」

Megamorph 「巨大化」

Emissary Of Obliteration 「抹殺の使徒」

Heavy Storm 「大嵐」

Ectoplasm 「エクトプラズマー」 x2

Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」

Magical Mallet 「打ち出の小槌」

Deck Destructive Virus of Darkness 「闇のデッキ破壊ウィルス」
Normal Trap
Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2500 ATK or more. Declare either Spell or Trap Card. Check all Spell and Trap Cards on your opponent's side of the field, your opponent's hand, and all cards they draw (until the end of your opponent's 3rd turn after this card's activation), and destroy all cards of the declared type.

Deck-Destruction Virus of Death 「死のデッキ破壊ウイルス」

Deck Destruction Virus of Magic 「魔のデッキ破壊ウイルス」 x2

Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」

Just Desserts 「自業自得」

Dark Mirror Force 「邪悪なるバリア -ダーク・フォース-」

Dimension Wall 「ディメンションウォール」 x2

sábado, febrero 17, 2007

Listas de las futuras cartas..


Forbidden Cards 「禁止カード」:
The following cards cannot be put into a deck:

Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End 「混沌帝龍 - 066;焉の使者-」
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning 「カオス・ソル 472;ャー -開闢の 使者-」
Sinister Serpent 「キラー・スネ 540;ク」
Witch of the Black Forest 「黒き森のウィ 483;チ」
Cyber Jar 「サイバーポッ 489;」
Makyura the Destructor 「処刑人-マキュ 2521;」
Tsukuyomi 「月読命」
Tribe-Infecting Virus 「同族感染ウィ 523;ス」
Fiber Jar 「ファイバーポ 483;ド」
Yata-Garasu 「八汰烏」
Sangan 「クリッター」
Cyber-Stein (da noi sta già qua dentro)
Catapult Turtle
Mirage of Nightmare 「悪夢の蜃気楼 301;
Delinquent Duo 「いたずら好き 394;双子悪魔」
Temple of the Kings 「王家の神殿」
Painful Choice 「苦渋の選択」
The Forceful Sentry 「強引な番兵」
Snatch Steal 「強奪」
Change of Heart 「心変わり」
Raigeki 「サンダー・ボ 523;ト」
Monster Reborn 「死者蘇生」
Butterfly Dagger - Elma 「蝶の短剣-エ 523;マ」
Harpie's Feather Duster 「ハーピィの羽 681;帚」
Graceful Charity 「天使の施し」
Imperial Order 「王宮の勅命」
Exchange of the Spirit 「現世と冥界の$ 870;転」
Sixth Sense 「第六感」
Last Turn 「ラストバトルA 281;」
Mirror Force 「聖なるバリア -ミラーフォー 473;-」

NEW! - Graceful Charity, Sangan, Cyber-Stein, Catapult Turtle, Mirror Force

Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Only 1 copy of the following cards can be put into a deck:

D. D. Warrior Lady 「異次元の女戦 763;」
Victory Dragon 「ヴィクトリー 539;ドラゴン」
Injection Fairy Lily 「お注射天使リ 522;ー」
Dark Magician of Chaos 「混沌の黒魔術 107;」
Protector of the Sanctuary 「神殿を守る者 301;
Jinzo 「人造人間-サ 452;コ・ショッカー 」
Magician of Faith 「聖なる魔術師 301;
Spirit Reaper 「魂を削る死霊 301;
Dandelion 「ダンディライ 458;ン」
Twin-Headed Behemoth 「ドル・ドラ」
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys 「ネフティスの( 179;凰神」
Exodia the Forbidden One 「封印されしエ 463;ゾディア」
Right Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者 398;右足」
Right Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者 398;右腕」
Left Leg of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者 398;左足」
Left Arm of the Forbidden One 「封印されし者 398;左腕」
Marshmallon 「マシュマロン 301;
Breaker the Magical Warrior 「魔導戦士 ブ 524;イカー」
Morphing Jar 「メタモルポッ 488;」
Forest Guard Green Baboon 「森の番人グリ 540;ン・バブーン」
Mask of Darkness 「闇の仮面」
Treeborn Frog 「黄泉ガエル」
Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソー 469;ラー」
Magical Scientist 「魔導サイエン 486;ィスト」
Thousand-Eyes Restrict 「サウザンド・ 450;イズ・サクリフ ァイス」
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Goes - Envoy of the Underworld
Dragon of Light & Dark
Confiscation 「押収」
Heavy Storm 「大嵐」
Scapegoat 「スケープ・ゴ 540;ト」
United We Stand 「団結の力」
Book of Moon 「月の書」
Card Destruction 「手札抹殺」
Pot of Avarice 「貪欲な壺」
Premature Burial 「早すぎた埋葬 301;
Swords of Revealing Light 「光の護封剣」
Mage Power 「魔導師の力」
Magical Stone Excavation 「魔法石の採掘 301;
Future Fusion 「未来融合-フ 517;ーチャー・フュ ージョン」
Metamorphosis 「突然変異」
Last Will 「遺言状」
Limiter Removal 「リミッター解& 500;」
Level Limit - Area B 「レベル制限B 320;区」
Dark Hole 「ブラック・ホ 540;ル」
Pot of Greed 「強欲な壺」
Reinforcement of the Army 「増援」
Golden Chest of Sealing
Lightning Vortex
Gravity Bind 「グラヴィティ 539;バインド-超重 力の網-」
Ring of Destruction 「破壊輪」
Crush Card Virus 「死のデッキ破 730;ウイルス」
Ultimate Offering 「血の代償」
Ceasefire 「停戦協定」
Torrential Tribute 「激流葬」
Magic Cylinder 「魔法の筒」
Call of the Haunted 「リビングデッ 489;の呼び声」
Time Seal 「刻の封印」
Reckless Greed 「無****;な欲張り 301;
Wall of Revealing Light 「光の護封壁」

NEW! - Chaos Sorcerer, Dark Hole, Pot of Greed, Time Seal, Magical Scientist, Thousand Eyes Restrict, Reckless Greed, Neo-Spacian Gran Mole, Reinforcement of the Army, Goes, Golden Chest of Sealing, Lightning Vortex, Light and Darkness Dragon, Wall of Revealing Light

Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード 301;:
Only 2 copies of the following cards can be put into a deck:

Manticore of Darkness 「暗黒のマンテ 451;コア」
Exiled Force 「ならず者傭兵% 096;隊」
Apprentice Magician 「見習い魔術師 301;
Elemental Hero Airman
Night Assailant 「深淵の暗殺者 301;
Gem Beast - Sapphire Pegasus
Creature Swap 「強制転移」
Upstart Goblin 「成金ゴブリン 301;
Mystical Space Typhoon 「サイクロン」
Nobleman of Crossout 「抹殺の使徒」
Good Goblin Housekeeping 「ゴブリンのや 426;くり上手」
Deck Devastation Virus 「魔のデッキ破 730;ウイルス」

- Elemental Hero Airman, Night Assassilant, Mystical Space Typhoon, Gem Beast - Sapphire Pegasus, Nobleman of Crossout

No longer unlimited: Giant Trunade, D.D. Assassilant

lunes, febrero 12, 2007

Adivinen las nuevas cartas

Como que ya estan dando permiso para que salgan las cartas japonesas.
A mediados de Abril, saldrauna edicin especial donde vienen, 2 sobres de Strike Of Neos, y 1 de Enemy of justice, aparte de los sobres, en el mismo pakete se incluyen un Cyber End Dragon kon el Arte "Devil" de Ryo y aparte, kon una kopia de Shrink, si, asi es,Shrink, no lo estoy inventando, pero la imagen del Flyer, fue puesta en Photobucket y exedio el limite de la banda ancha, kuando la encuentre de nuevo, la pongo aki

nota, esto NO es un fake

martes, febrero 06, 2007

Mis ultimas rondas un "Quimeratech" vs "Token"

Saludos a todos los duelista jajajaja.... traigo un pequeño reporte como siempre en mis ratos libres de navegacion por la manjyomethunder vi y hay que fino futures cartas ojala y nos lleguen!!!

OCG Booster Pack Collector's Tin 2007! es una de ellas los que no hemos conseguido el FGD tal vez nos llegue la hora contendra
- 1x FGD (Five God Dragon) [Ultimate Rare]

- Boosters included:
2x Enemy of Justice
2x Power of the Duelist
2x Cyberdark Impact
2x Strike of Neos
Dudo que nos llegue ultimate y que nos llegue para enero proque todavia no nos llega strike of neos jejeje

Strike of Neos 2 Pack Set para quienes compran de 2 buster y quieren un token oficial y no una monedita comprense uno de estos ojala y tambien nos llegue
2x Strike of Neos Booster
1x Token Card (Parallel Rare)
dudo que el token venga parallel rare

Y el Booster luego de Strike of Neos ya tiene imagen aunque no se ve muy bien pero es que existe la posibilidad de que venga el famoso Quimeratec... Pero en este caso raro

Un nuevo monarca

Para los que les gustan los monarchs, konami confirmo un nuevo monarch. Es te tipo viento y subtipo winged beast. El dibujo es una mezcla de thestalos y granmar pero de color verde. Los status son iguales a los otros monarchs y el efecto es: Cuando es tribute summon elegi una carta en el campo y enviala al topdeck del dueño. Lindo, no?